Activist Professor Fred Ogola who was arrested alongside others on Monday in Nairobi city centre while collecting signatures for a constitutional amendment initiative has spoken after he was released.
Prof Ogola said after he was taken to police station, cops proceeded to Serena hotel’s parking where his car was and vandalised it.
He claimed they also destroyed the only key he had.
“When I was arrested, I was beaten ruthlessly. Even the keys of my car were taken and broken into pieces and thrown away. They also destroyed the car. I can’t use it now” he said.
He questioned why this was done to him.
“Public Order Act in Kenya needs to be amended so that the National Police Service can must take care of damages during arrests” he added.
Ogola who holds a PhD, two Master’s Degrees, five Undergraduate Degrees and 16 other certifications worked as a lecturer at the Strathmore University.